City Changers Movement

United States

We equip local leaders in changing their world.

The Global City Changers Movement is an extension of the Doxa Deo dream. We mobilize the church based Christian community in different spheres of society for the transformation of cities globally.

We all know how many church leaders struggle to convince their church members, that they must be more relevant in their communities. The City Changers Movement empowers churches to be a transformational agent within their communities.

As leaders, we all deal with an uncertain & complex world.

Lifework Leadership empowers leaders to flourish regardless of the volatility in a 9-month journey to significance.
Lifework has empowered thousands of leaders in six nations on this journey.


Learning Communities for Church Leaders

As pastors we all dream about a church that is flourishing, relevant and impacts the community.

We find ourselves in a modern-day society that marginalizes the church and embolden consumerism.

This need not be our story. You are invited to join a 9-month learning community where you will be quipped to change this narrative.

The City Changers Movement United States team

Alan Platt

Alan Platt Leader and Founder of Doxa Deo & The City Changers Movement

Anton & Bernise Venter

Anton Venter Chief Strategy Officer for Doxa Deo & The City Changers Movement