We equip local leaders in changing their world.
The Global City Changers Movement is an extension of the Doxa Deo dream. We mobilize the church based Christian community in different spheres of society for the transformation of cities globally.
City Changers equips LOCAL LEADERS to change their world. Can you imagine thousands of Church and Societal leaders all over the globe engaging the Mission of the Kingdom of God, to bring Redemption and Restoration in this world, leading with SPIRITUAL FORTITUDE, STRATEGIC INSIGHT and SERVANT LEADERSHIP.
We equip and mobilize leaders to grow relevant organizations and churches that bless and serve their cities.
Like-minded role players relating in a global network.
Leaders are convened in online and in person gatherings.
Church and societal leaders are coached in transformative journeys.
A small group of leaders are facilitated to collaborate for optimized missional impact.
Resources empowering transformation.